Hotel Blumarea | Hotel 4 stelle a Castelsardo

Your loyalty is rewarded with

Best Western Rewards®

Best Western Rewards® is Best Western’s loyalty program that allows you to access Exclusive Member Rates and gain many benefits for each stay in one of the over 4.500 Best Western hotels worldwide!

Discover the benefits and discounts dedicated to the members of our loyalty program selecting the BWR rate that best suits your needs!

BW Rewards® Exclusive Member Rates up to 30% off!

For Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Diamond Select members who book qualified rates through Best Western channels, breakfast is free!

  • Save up to 30%
  • Breakfast not included
  • Prepaid rate, free cancellation within 24 h
  • Standard BWR points


  • 10% discount on the best flexible rate
  • Breakfast not included
  • The rate can be cancelled Payment at the hotel
  • Standard BWR points
  • 5% discount on the best flexible rate
  • Breakfast included
  • The rate can be cancelled Payment at the hotel
  • Standard BWR points

Are you a Best Western Rewards® member already? Log in with your credentials, choose your exclusive rate and book online or contact our toll free number: 800 82 00 80.

Not a member yet? Join now for free and start collecting points!

All Best Western Rewards® Benefits

As a Best Western Rewards® Member you are entitled to:

  • Free registration;
  • 10 points for every US Dollar spent on qualified stays;
  • Possibility to earn points or airline miles;
  • Free breakfast for Platinum, Diamond and Diamond Select Members. If breakfast is already included, 500 extra bonus points are awarded for each night of the stay. Find out more!
  • Advantages in over 4.500 hotels worldwide;
  • Exclusive Partners to collect points;
  • Rich rewards catalogue;
  • Extra points for the most loyal clients. Find out more!
  • Points that never expire.
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